Gerhard Richter

"Gerhard Richter: Edition 1968 - 2015" Galerie Bernd Lutze, フリードリヒスハーフェン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Early Works" Museum Wiesbaden, ヴィースバーデン (ドイツ), (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter" John Hansard Gallery, サウサンプトン (英国)
"Gerhard Richter. Abstraktion" Museum Barberini, ポツダム (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter Painting 1992 – 2017" Wako Works of Art, 東京, (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter: Abstraktes Bild" Phillips Auction House, ニューヨーク (米国)
"Gerhard Richter: Neue Bilder" Museum Ludwig, ケルン(ドイツ), (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter. Canary Landscapes" Edition Block, ベルリン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Die Edition" Folkwang Museum, エッセン (ドイツ), (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter: A Survey" National Gallery, プラハ (チェコ), (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter: Neue Bilder" Albertinum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: About Painting – Early Works" Kunstmuseum Bonn, ボン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Espace Louis Vuitton, 北京 (中国)
"Gerhard Richter" Queensland Art Gallery, ブリスベン (オーストラリア)
"Gerhard Richter: About Painting – Early Works" S.M.A.K., ゲント (ベルギー)
“Gerhard Richter: Selected Editions” Setareh Gallery, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Birkenau” Museum Frieder Burda, バーデン=バーデン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Paintings and Drawings" Marian Goodman Gallery, ニューヨーク (米国)
"Gerhard Richter. With Paintings,Enamels, Photo Paintings, Prints and Editions from six decades" Galerie Noah, アウクスブルグ(ドイツ)
"The exhibition of Gerhard Richter: Abstraction and Appearance" Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, モスクワ (ロシア)
"Painting" ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京 (cat.)
“Colour Charts” Dominique Lévy Gallery, ロンドン (イギリス)
“Gerhard Richter (Artist Rooms)” Plymouth City Museum & Art Gallery, プリマス (イギリス)
“Inkjetprint” Dresden Gallery, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
“Small Dimensions” Galerie Schwarzer, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
“Overpainted Photographs” Hannah Hoffman Gallery, ロサンゼルス (米国)
“Neupräsentation im Albertnum” Galerie Neue Meister, Albertinum, Staatliche Kunstammlungen Dresden, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter. Edtions” Galerie Son,ベルリン (ドイツ)
"Strips and Glass" ヴィンタートゥール美術館, ヴィンタートゥール (スイス)
"Von Elbe bis November. Arbeiten auf Papier aus der Sammlung" Graphisches Kabinett, ヴィンタートゥール美術館, ヴィンタートゥール (スイス)
"Art in the Plural" K20 ノルトライン・ヴェストファーレン州立美術館, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Abstract Illusion" Galerie Michael Schultz, ベルリン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" バイエラー財団, リーエン / バーゼル (スイス)
"Gerhard Richter: Grey & 180 Farben" Museum Abteiberg, メンヒェングラートバッハ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter (Artist Rooms)" Dick Institute, キルマーノック (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter.Projekte und ausgesuchte Editionen" Galerie Mike Karstens,ミュンスター (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Marian Goodman Gallery, ロンドン (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter. Ausschnitt – Works from the Böckmann Collection" Neues Museum, Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design, ニュルンベルク (ドイツ)
"Strip & Glass" ドレスデン美術館, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
"Editions from the Olbricht Collection 1965–2012" Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, トリノ (イタリア)
"Elbe, November und andere. Eine Präsentation im Rahmen der Sammlung" Museum Ludwig, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Two Sculptures for a Room by Palermo (Artist Rooms)"テート・モダン, ロンドン (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter: Artist's Books 1966–2013" Bonhams, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Abstract Paintings" Galerie Ludorff, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Survey" Centro de las Artes, サン・ルイス・ポトシ (メキシコ)
"Tapestries" Gagosian Gallery, (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter (Artist Rooms)" テート・モダン, ロンドン (イギリス)
" Atlas – Mikromega" Kunstbau München, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Unique Editions and Graphics” Galerie Löhrl, メンヒェングラートバッハ (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Atlas” Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter. Das Prinzip des Seriellen” Springer & Winckler Galerie, ベルリン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Panorama” 新ナショナル・ギャラリー, ベルリン美術館, ベルリン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter – Editions 1965–2011” me Collectors Room, ベルリン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Seven Works” ポートランド美術館, ポートランド (アメリカ)
“Gerhard Richter” ベイルート・アート・センター, ベイルート (レバノン)
“Gerhard Richter: Panorama” フランス国立近代美術館, ポンピドゥー・センター, パリ (フランス)
“Gerhard Richter: Drawings and Watercolours 1957–2008” ルーブル美術館, パリ (フランス)
“Gerhard Richter: Painting 2012” Marian Goodman Gallery, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
“Gerhard Richter: Survey” Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI), リマ (ペルー) / Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango del Banco de la República, ボゴタ (コロンビア) / Museo de la Ciudad, キト (エクアドル)
“Gerhard Richter: New Strip Paintings and 8 Glass Panels” ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京 (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter: Images of an Era" Bucerius Kunst Forum, ハンブルク (ドイツ)
"Sinbad" The FLAG Art Foundation, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Abstract Spirit" Michael Schultz Gallery, ソウル (韓国)
"Painting 2010–2011" Galerie Marian Goodman, パリ (フランス) "Gerhard Richter: Survey" (touring) Caixa Cultural Brasilia, ブラジリア (ブラジル); Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, サンパウロ (ブラジル); Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Ado Malagoli, ポルト・アレグレ (ブラジル)
"Panorama" (touring until 2012) テート・モダン, ロンドン (イギリス), (cat.)
"Works 1968–2008" Galerie Bernd Lutze, フリードリヒスハーフェン (ドイツ)
"15 x 2" fiftyfifty Galerie, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Elbe" ヴィンタートゥール美術館, ヴィンタートゥール (スイス)
"Gerhard Richter: Epoch" ニュー・ウォーク・ミュージアム & アート・ギャラリー, レスター (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter: Lines which do not exist" The Drawing Center, New York, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter: Survey" (touring) Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, モンテビデオ (ウルグアイ); Museo Nacional de Arte Decorativo, ブエノスアイレス (アルゼンチン); Galerie im Ernst-Rietschel-Haus, プルスニッツ (ドイツ); Casa Andrade Muricy, クリチバ (ブラジル)
"Gerhard Richter - New Overpainted Photographs" ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京
"Gerhard Ritcher Portraits" National Portrait Gallery, ロンドン (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter: Modern Times" Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art - MIMA, ミドルズブラ (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter - Bilder aus privaten Sammlungen" Museum Küppersmühle für Moderne Kunst, デュースブルク (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Musee de Grenoble, グルノーブル (フランス)
"Gerhard Richter – abstrakte bilder" Haus der Kunst - München, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - Retrospektive" Albertina, ウィーン (オーストリア)
"Übermalte Fotografien/Overpainted Photographs" Museum Morsbroich, レーヴァークーゼン (ドイツ), Centre de la Photographie, ジュネーブ (スイス), (cat.)
Galerie Marian Goodman, パリ (フランス)
"Gerhard Richter - Bilder aus privaten Sammlungen" Museum Frieder Burda, バーデン=バーデン (ドイツ)
"4900 Colours: Version II" Serpentine Gallery, ロンドン (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter" Lewis Glucksman Gallery, コーク (イラン)
"Gerhard Richter: Part II" ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京 (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter - paintings from the Bockmann collection" Neues Museum Weserburg, ブレーメン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter – Portraits" Museumsberg Flensburg, フレンスブルク (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" 国立現代美術館, クヮチョン (韓国)
"Gerhard Richter" ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京 (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter" 金沢21世紀美術館, 金沢; DIC川村記念美術館, 千葉 (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter" Frissiras Museum, アテネ (ギリシャ)
"Gerhard Richter" Sara Hildén Art Museum, タンペレ (フィンランド)
"Gerhard Richter: Printed" Museum der Moderne, ザルツブルク (オーストリア)
"Gerhard Richter" Lenbachhaus, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Printed" Kunsthalle Tübingen, テュービンゲン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galerie Neue Meister, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, デュッセルドルフ(ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - Ohne Farbe" Museum Franz Gertsch, ブルクドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - Image after Image" ルイジアナ近代美術館, Humlebæk (デンマーク)
"Gerhard Richter - Printed!" Kunsthalle, エムデン, (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Printed" ルツェルン美術館, ルツェルン (スイス)
"Gerhard Richter" Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, ワルシャワ (ポーランド)
"Gerhard Richter" ノイエ・マイスター絵画館, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" ビルバオ・グッゲンハイム美術館, ビルバオ (スペイン)
"Gerhard Richter: Printed" ボン美術館, ボン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter – Landscapes" Zwiner & Wirth, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter. A private collection" Museu do Chiado, Museum nacional de Arte Contemporanea, リスボン (ポルトガル)
"Gerhard Richter. A private collection" Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Malaga(CAC Málaga), マラガ, (スペイン)
"Gerhard Richter Atlas" Whitechapel Art Gallery, ロンドン (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter - 10th Anniversary 2002" ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京 (cat.)
"Gerhard Richter – Übermalungen" Galerie Fred Jahn, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter – ACHT GRAU" ドイツ・グッゲンハイム美術館, ベルリン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Forty Years of Painting" ニューヨーク近代美術館, ニューヨーク (アメリカ); サンフランシスコ近代美術館, サンフランシスコ (アメリカ); シカゴ美術館, シカゴ (アメリカ);ハーシュホーン博物館と彫刻の庭, ワシントンD.C. (アメリカ), (cat.)
"Survey" Collection IFA, アーケン美術館, イシェ (デンマーク); シラパコーン大学アートセンター, バンコク (タイ); ナショナル・アート・ギャラリー, クアラルンプール (マレーシア); City Gallery Wellington (ニュージーランド); RMIT Gallery, メルボルン (オーストラリア); トーキョーワンダーサイト, 東京(日本); 徳島県立近代美術館, 徳島(日本); The Centre for Contemporary Art, ワルシャワ (ポーランド); テヘラン現代美術館, テヘラン(イラン) [Traveled until 2004]
"Gerhard Richter, Arbeiten aus vier Jahrzehnten" ドイツ銀行ルクセンブルグS.A. (ルクセンブルク)
"Gerhard Richter - Survey" National Art Gallery, クアラルンプール (マレーシア)
"Gerhard Richter: Paintings 1996 - 2001" Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter: ATLAS" DIC川村記念美術館, 千葉; 大分立美術館, 大分; 広島市現代美術館, 広島(日本)
"Gerhard Richter: one painting - two glasses - one edition = one show" Massimo Martino Fine Arts & Projects, メンドリシオ (スイス)
"Andy Warhol, Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter: In the Power of Painting 1" Daros Exhibitions, チューリッヒ (スイス)
"Gerhard Richter: Auflagenbilder, Fotoarbeiten, Druckgrafik" Kunstverein Friedrichshafen, フリードリヒスハーフェン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Malerei aus drei Jahrzehnten" Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen, Ausstellung des Kunstvereins Friedrichshafen, フリードリヒスハーフェン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Edition 1969 - 1998" Galerie Bernd Lutze, フリードリヒスハーフェン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - Übersicht" National Gallery of Iceland, レイキャヴィーク (アイスランド)
"Gerhard Richter - New Oil on Photographs" ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京 (cat.)
"October 18, 1977" ニューヨーク近代美術館, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter - Übersicht" Krypta 182, ベルギッシュ・グラートバッハ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - Janus" Galerie Lucas Schoormans, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galerie Fred Jahn, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" IFA-Galerie Stuttgart, シュトゥットガルト (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter. Abstract Paintings" Barbara Mathes Gallery, ニューヨーク(アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter. Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, neue Bilder" Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, クレーフェルト (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter in Dallas Collections" ダラス美術館, ダラス (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter" Kupferstich-Kabinett,ドレスデン美術館, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - Werke aus Aachener Sammlungen" Ehemalige Reichsabtei, アーヘン・コーンエリミュンスター (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, プラート (イタリア)
"Gerhard Richter, Aquarelle und Zeichnungen 1964-1999" ヴィンタートゥール美術館, ヴィンタートゥール (スイス); Kupferstich-Kabinett, ドレスデン (ドイツ); Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, クレーフェルト (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: 855/1-64. Schwarz, Rot, Gold" Galerie Fred Jahn, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Atlas" バルセロナ現代美術館, バルセロナ (スペイン)
"Gerhard Richter – Aquarelle, Zeichnungen und Editionen aus Eigenbesitz" Museum Morsbroich, レーヴァークーゼン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galerie Saint-Séverin, パリ (フランス)
"Gerhard Richter - Farbige Arbeiten auf Papier, Editionen" Galerie Franke, シュトゥットガルト (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter. The Art of the Impossible - Paintings 1964 -1998" Astrup Fearnley Museet, オスロ (ノルウェー)
"Gerhard Richter" Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, オスロ (ノルウェー)
"Gerhard Richter" Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Shifting Visions. O’Keefe – Guston – Richter" デモイン・アート・センター, デモイン (アメリカ)
"Landschaften" Sprengel Museum, ハノーバー (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter. New Paintings" Anthony d'Offay Gallery, ロンドン (イギリス)
"Degrees of Stillness" Photographien aus der Sammlung Manfred Heiting. Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter, Printing" Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, アーヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter, Bilder 1972-1996" Galerie Bernd Lutze, フリードリヒスハーフェン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter. Der Atlas und seine Bilder" Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter, Druckgrafik" Neue Galerie, ダッハウ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter. Ein Saal und ein Kabinett für die Sammlung" ヴィンタートゥール美術館, ヴィンタートゥール (スイス)
"Gerhard Richter" ウェクスナー芸術センター, コロンビア (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter: 100 Bilder" Carré d'Art Museé de Nîmes, ニーム (フランス); Marian Goodman Gallery, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter Part I & II" ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京
"Atlas" イスラエル美術館, エルサレム (イスラエル); The Dia Center for the Arts, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter" El Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, マドリッド (スペイン)
"Gerhard Richter" Moderna Museet, Stockholm (スウェーデン)
"Gerhard Richter" Marian Goodman Gallery, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1993" ARC/Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, パリ (フランス)
"Gerhard Richter" ワコウ・ワークス・オブ・アート, 東京
"Gerhard Richter" テート・ギャラリー, ロンドン(イギリス); ボストン・コンテンポラリーアート美術館(ICAボストン), ボストン(アメリカ)
"Atlas" ルートヴィヒ美術館, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1989" サンフランシスコ近代美術館, サンフランシスコ (アメリカ)
"Horizons" ネルソン・アトキンス美術館, カンザスシティ (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1989" Goethe House-German Cultural Center, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1989" ボイマンス・ヴァン・ベーニンゲン美術館, ロッテルダム (オランダ)
"18. Oktober 1977" Museum Haus Esters, クレーフェルト (ドイツ); Portikus, フランクフルト (ドイツ); Institute for Contemporary Art, ロンドン (イギリス); Galerie Fred Jahn, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Atlas Der Fotos, Collagen and Skizzen" Stadische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Paintings" Art Gallery of Ontario, トロント (カナダ); シカゴ現代美術館, シカゴ (アメリカ); ハーシュホーン博物館と彫刻の庭, ワシントン D.C. (アメリカ); サンフランシスコ近代美術館, サンフランシスコ (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1987" Wadsworth Atheneum, ハートフォード (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1987" Museum Overholland, アムステルダム (オランダ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1987" Marian Goodman Gallery, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1986" Kunsthalle, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ); Nationalgalerie, ベルン (スイス); ベルン美術館, ベルン (スイス); Museum Moderner Kunst, ウィーン (オーストリア)
"Gerhard Richter - 1985" Marian Goodman Gallery, ニューヨーク (アメリカ); Staatsgalerie, シュトゥットガルト (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1984" Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Industrie, サン=テティエンヌ (フランス)
"Gerhard Richter - 1982" Mannheimer Kunstverein, マンハイム;ビーレフェルト美術館, ビーレフェルト;Galerie Fred Jahn, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter - 1981" Kunsthalle, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter : Two Yellow Strokes" Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, アイントホーフェン (オランダ);Museum Folkwang, エッセン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter” Galerie Isernhagen, イーザーンハーゲン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Paintings and Prints, 1962–1978, Part II” Galerie Bernd Lutze, フリードリヒスハーフェン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Paintings and Prints, 1962–1978, Part I” Galerie Bernd Lutze, フリードリヒスハーフェン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter. Abstract Paintings" Whitechapel Art Gallery, ロンドン (イギリス)
"Gerhard Richter: Schilderijen / Paintings” ファン・アッベ美術館, アイントホーフェン (オランダ)
“Gerhard Richter: 48 Portraits” Midland Group Nottingham, ノッティンガム (イギリス)
“128 Details From A Picture” Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, ハリファックス (カナダ)
“Gerhard Richter: 17 Pictures” Anna Leonowens Gallery, ハリファックス (カナダ)
“Gerhard Richter: Selected Works 1966–1972” Galleria Massimo Valsecchi, ミラノ (イタリア)
“Gerhard Richter: New Paintings” Sperone Westwater Fischer, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
”Gerhard Richter” Konrad Fischer Galerie, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" ポンピドゥー・センターフランス国立近代美術館, パリ (フランス)
"Tourist – 4 Pictures by Gerhard Richter” Galleria Lucio Amelio, ナポリ (イタリア)
“Gerhard Richter: Graphical Work” Clubheim der Deutschen BP, ハンブルグ (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter” Galleria la Bertesca, ジェノヴァ (イタリア)
“Gerhard Richter” Liliane & Michel Durand-Dessert, パリ (フランス)
“Gerhard Richter: Atlas of the Photographs, Collages and Sketches” Museum Haus Lange, クレーフェルト (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter. Pictures 1962 – 1975” Palais des Beaux-Arts, ブリュッセル (ベルギー)
“Gerhard Richter” Galleria Renzo Spagnoli, フィレンツェ (イタリア)
"Gerhard Richter: Colour Charts” Galerie Wintersberger, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter” Galleria la Bertesca, ミラノ (イタリア)
“Gerhard Richter: Paintings from 1962–1974” ブレーメン美術館, ブレーメン (ドイツ)
“Two Seascapes” Kabinett für aktuelle Kunst, ブレマーハーフェン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter” Konrad Fischer Galerie, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
“Four Grey Paintings by Gerhard Richter” Galerie Rolf Preisig, バーゼル (スイス)
“Gerhard Richter: Grey Pictures” Kunstverein Braunschweig, Haus Salve Hospes, ブラウンシュヴァイク (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Grey Pictures” Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach, メンヒェングラートバッハ (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Graphics from 1965 to 1974” Galerie Heiner Friedrich, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Colour Charts” Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, ケルン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Landscapes” Städtisches Museum Leverkusen, Schloss Morsbroich, レーヴァークーゼン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter, Atlas: 295 Sheets from 1962–1973” Galerie Heiner Friedrich, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Four Paintings from 1973” Galerie René Block, ベルリン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter” Galerie Dieter Wilbrand, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Annunciation after Titian” Galleria la Bertesca, ミラノ (イタリア)
“Gerhard Richter” Reinhard Onnasch Gallery, ニューヨーク (アメリカ)
“Red-Blue-Yellow" Seriaal, アムステルダム (オランダ)
“Gerhard Richter: New Paintings” Galerie Ernst, ハノーファー (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Park Piece” Kabinett für aktuelle Kunst, ブレマーハーフェン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Atlas of Photographs and Sketches (Information 5)” ブレマーハーフェン美術館, ブレマーハーフェン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter” レンバッハハウス市立美術館, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter” Galerie Heiner Friedrich, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: Aquatints” Cubus Studio & Galerie, ベルリン (ドイツ)
“Gerhard Richter: 46 Portraits” Galerie nächst St. Stephan, ウィーン (オーストリア)
“Gerhard Richter: 48 Portraits” Galerie im Taxispalais, インスブルック (オーストリア) Hedendaagse Kunst, ユトレヒト (オランダ)
"Gerhard Richter" ルツェルン美術館, ルツェルン (スイス)
“Gerhard Richter: Townscapes 1968” Modern Art Agency, Lucio Amelio, ナポリ (イタリア)
"Gerhard Richter: 48 Portraits" Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Konrad Fischer Galerie, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Atlas of the Photographs and Sketches" Hedendaagse Kunst, ユトレヒト (オランダ)
"Gerhard Richter: 48 Portraits" Suermondt-Museum, アーヘン (ドイツ)
"36th Venice Biennale" German Pavilion, ヴェネツィア (イタリア)
"Gerhard Richter: Paintings after Polaroids of Brigid Polk" Galerie Heiner Friedrich, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: 180 Farben" Kabinett für Aktuelle Kunst, ブレマーハーフェン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter. Graphics" Galerie Erhard Klein, ボン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Graphics from 1965–71" Galerie Thomas Borgmann, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Paintings 1962 to 1971" Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Drawings, Gouaches" Galerie Thomas Borgmann, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Graphics 1965–1970" フォルクヴァンク美術館, エッセン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter – Townscapes" Galerie Heiner Friedrich, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Konrad Fischer Galerie, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galerie Klaus Lüpke, フランクフルト・アム・マイン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Gegenverkehr e.V. Zentrum für aktuelle Kunst, アーヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter: Cities" Galerie René Block, ベルリン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galleria del Naviglio, ミラノ (イタリア)
"Gerhard Richter" Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, ケルン (ドイツ)
"Salon GUL: Tendencies – Aspects" Galerie Ursula Lichter, フランクフルト・アム・マイン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galerie Rolf Ricke, カッセル (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Wide White Space, アントウェルペン (ベルギー)
"Gerhard Richter: New Paintings" Galerie Heiner Friedrich, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Volker Bradke (as Part of 'Hommage à Schmela')" Galerie Schmela, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galerie René Block, ベルリン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter – Colour Charts" Galerie Friedrich & Dahlem, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galleria del Leone, ウィーン (イタリア)
"Gerhard Richter" City-Galerie Bruno Bischofberger, チューリッヒ (スイス)
"Gerd Richter" Galleria La Tartaruga, ローマ (イタリア)
"Gerd Richter: Images of Capitalist Realism" Galerie René Block, ベルリン (ドイツ)
"Gerhard Richter" Galerie Schmela, デュッセルドルフ (ドイツ)
"Gerd Richter: Photo Paintings, Portraits and Families" Galerie Friedrich & Dahlem, ミュンヘン (ドイツ)
"Wako Works of Art Gallery Selection", TOLOT/heuristic SHINONOME, 東京
“German Masters” Bode Galerie & Edition, ニュルンベルク (ドイツ)
“This Will Have Been: Art, Love & Politics in the 1980s” シカゴ現代美術館, シカゴ (米国)
“Watch This Space: Contemporary Art from the AGO Collection” オンタリオ美術館 (AGO), トロント (カナダ)
“In Living Color” The FLAG Art Foundation, ニューヨーク州 (米国)
“The Passions: A Drama in Five Acts” Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, ドレスデン (ドイツ)
“John Cage and... Visual Artist – Influences, Impulses” ベルリン芸術アカデミー, ベルリン (ドイツ)
“Fresh Widow: The Window in Art since Matisse and Duchamp” K20 Grabbeplatz, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf (DE)
““国立国際美術館開館35周年記念展 コレクションの誘惑” 国立国際美術館, 大阪
“Contemporary Painting, 1960 to the Present” San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), San Francisco (US)
“Albertina Contemporary: From Gerhard Richter to Maria Lassnig” Albertina, Vienna (AU)
“John Cage and... Visual Artist – Influences, Impulses” Museum der Moderne (MdM), Salzburg (AU)
“Regarding Warhol: Sixty Artists, Fifty Years” The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (US)
“In the Network of Modernism: Kirchner, Braque, Kandinsky, Klee... Richter, Bacon, Altenbourg and their Critic Will Grohmann” Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Dresden (DE)
“Living with Pop! Graphic Art from the 60s – From Warhol to Richter” Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Leipzig (DE)
“30th Council of Europe Art Exhibition: The Desire for Freedom – Art in Europe since 1945” Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin (DE)
“The Presence of Pictures – German Painting: Highlights from Six Decades” National Centre of Contemporary Art, Moscow (RU)
“Fissures: Critical Episodes (1957–2011), MACBA Collection” Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Barcelona (ES)
"Dark Christmas" Leo Koenig Inc., New York (US)
"Winter Worlds from the Collection" Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (CH)
"The Third Room" The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Warsaw (PO)
"Museum of Affects: In the Framework of L'Internationale" Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana (SI)
"Schöne Aussichten. Wiedereröffnung" Neue Galerie Kassel, Kassel (DE)
"Selections from the Guggenheim Bilbao Collection II" Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Bilbao (ES)
"Credo: Georg Baselitz, Gotthard Graubner, Gerhard Richter, Günther Uecker" Kunsthalle Rostock, Rostock (DE)
"The Art of Deceleration: Motion and Rest in Art from Caspar David Friedrich to Ai Weiwei" Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg (DE)
"Volume! Works from the Collections of the ”la Caixa“ Foundation and MACBA" Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona (ES)
"German Photography" Galeria Arnés & Röpke, Madrid (ES)
"The Ronald S. Lauder Collection: Selections from the 3rd Century BC to the 20th Century/Germany, Austria, and France" Neue Galerie, Museum for German and Austrian Art, New York (US)
"Memories of the Future: The Olbricht Collection" La maison rouge, Paris (FR)
"Never Trouble-free Again! Aachen Avant-garde Since 1964" Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen (DE)
"Ars Apocalipsis: Art and Collapse" Kunstverein Kreis Gütersloh, Veerhoffhaus, Gütersloh (DE)
"The Indiscipline of Painting: International Abstraction from the 1960s to Now" Tate St Ives, St Ives (UK)
"Atlas: How to Carry the World on One’s Back?" (traveling) ZKM, Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe; Sammlung Falckenberg, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Hamburg (DE)
"Side by Side: Poland – Germany. A 1000 Years of Art and History" Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (DE)
"4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art" Moscow (RU)
"The Invention of Reality: Photography at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf" Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Akademie-Galerie, Düsseldorf (DE)
"German Painting" Galeria Arnés & Röpke, Madrid (ES)
"East of Eden – Photorealism: Versions of Reality" Ludwig Múzeum, Budapest (HU)
"Museum of Desires" Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig MUMOK, Vienna (AT)
"Color in Flux: 20th Anniversary of the Weserburg" Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen (DE)
"Multiplication is Human: 45 Years of Edition Block 1966–2011" Edition Block, Berlin (DE)
"Also On View" Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York (US)
"Belvedere: Why is Landscape Beautiful?" Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen (DE)
"For the Record: Searching for Objectivity in Global Conflict" Montserrat College of Art Gallery, Beverly (US)
"Line and Space: American Drawing and Sculpture Since 1960, From A Private Collection" Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (DE)
"Reflections on Modernism" Schleswig-Holstein-Haus, Schwerin (DE)
"The Unknown Collection: Classics from the Kunsthalle Bielefeld" Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld (DE)
"Stained Glass in Modern Art: The Fascination with Backlit Colour" Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (DE)
"Bremerhaven Collects" Kunsthalle Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven (DE)
"ドイツ銀行コレクション特別公開―ゲルハルト・リヒターと畠山直哉" SPACE nio, 東京
"Out of Storage" Timmerfabriek, Maastricht (NL)
"If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home By Now" CCS Bard, Hessel Museum of Art, Annandale-on-Houdson (US)
"The Queen: Art and Image" Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh (UK)
"Two Collectors: Thomas Olbricht and Harald Falckenberg" Halle für aktuelle Kunst, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, Hamburg (DE)
"Albertina Contemporary: From Gerhard Richter to Kiki Smith" Albertina, Vienna (AT)
"MMK 1991 – 2011: 20 Years of Presence" Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK), Frankfurt am Main (DE)
"New Realities. PhotoGraphic from Warhol to Havekost" Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin (DE)
"Car Fetish: I Drive, Therefore I Am" Museum Tinguely, Basel (CH)
"TRA – Edge of Becoming" Palazzo Fortuny, Venice (IT)
"Made in Italy" Gagosian Gallery, Rome (IT)
"Near and Far: Landscape Painting from Brueghel to Corinth" Landesmuseum Hannover, Hanover (DE)
"Sigmar Polke – Encounters: The Lauscher Collection at Kolvenburg Billerbeck" Kolvenburg, Billerbeck (DE)
"Richter & Twombly: New Editions" Wako Works of Art, 東京
"Opening of the New Presentation of the Collection" Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Rendezvous of Painters – Painting at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf from 1946 to 1986" Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Surrounding Bacon & Warhol" Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst, Oslo (NO)
"From Different Corners" arteversum, Düsseldorf (DE)
"De-Natured: German Art From Joseph Beuys to Martin Kippenberger. Selections from the James Keith Brown and Eric Diefenbach Collection" Ackland Art Museum, Chapel Hill (US)
"Wege zur Abstraktion" Galerie Kunst & Handel, Graz (AT)
"30 Years of Galerie Löhrl" Galerie Löhrl, Mönchengladbach (DE)
"Lifelines: Stages of a Collection" Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (DE)
"Es ist schon alles gesagt, nur noch nicht von allen" Galerie Jahn, Munich (DE)
"Zettels Traum – The Bernd und Verena Klüser Collection of Drawings" Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal (DE)
"Hyper Real – Art and America around 1970" Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen (DE)
"Human Nature: Contemporary Art from the Collection" Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles (US)
"Things are Queer: Highlights of the UniCredit Art Collection" MARTa Herford, Herford (DE)
"Compass: Drawings from the Museum of Modern Art New York, The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection" Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (DE)
"A Life for Art: 50 Years of Galerie Rottloff" Museum Ettlingen, Ettlingen (DE)
"Graphics of Capitalist Realism: KP Brehmer, KH Hödicke, Konrad Lueg, Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter, Wolf Vostell: Graphical Works until 1971" Edition Block, Berlin (DE)
"75/65: The Collector, the Company and its Collection" Museo Würth La Rioja, Agoncillo-La Rioja (ES)
"Here We Go Again! The Collection 2011" Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel (DE)
"New Space, New Works" Wako Works of Art, 東京
"Out of Focus. After Gerhard Richter" Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg (DE)
"Painted over – Smudged – Erased: The Portrait in the 20th Century" Galerie der Gegenwart, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg (DE)
"Diversity Abstraction" Hubertus Melsheimer Kunsthandel, Cologne (DE)
"Arp, Beckmann, Munch, Kirchner, Warhol … Classics in Bonn. The Unknown Collection from Bielefeld" Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (DE)
"Master Drawings in New York" Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York (US)
"Hack Order #2 – Eleven Rooms" Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen (DE)
"With Your Art: Artist's Editions 1990 - 2010" Haubrok Collection, Berlin (DE)
"A Touch of Eden – Masterpieces and Positions of Contemporary Art" Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld (DE)
"Atlas ¿Cómo llevar el mundo a cuestas? (Atlas: How to Carry the World on One’s Back?)" Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (ES)
"Haunted - Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance" Guggenheim, Bilbao (ES)
"The Nature of Art. Encounters with Nature from the 19th Century to the Present" Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur (CH)
"In Chronological Order. Städel Works of the 14th to 21st Centuries" Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main (DE)
"Art Re: Art" Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA (US)
"Hyper Real. The Passion of the Real in Painting and Photography" Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna (AT)
"Luc Tuymans: A Vision of Central Europe" Arentshuis and Stadshallen, Bruges (BE)
"Picasso to Julie Mehretu. Modern Drawings from the British Museum Collection" British Museum, London (UK)
"The Private Museum. The Passion for Contemporary Art in the Collections in Bergamo" Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (GAMeC), Bergamo (IT)
"With Head and Hand – Variations in Drawing" Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Thrice Upon A Time" Magasin 3 Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm (SW)
"Every Artist is a Human Being! Positions of the Self-Portrait" Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden (DE)
"55 Years of Art in Düsseldorf" Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf (DE)

"Invisible Shadows. Images of Uncertainty" MARTa Herford, Herford (DE)
"Lust for Life and Danse Macabre" Kunsthalle Krems, Krems (AT)
"International Art from the Reininghaus Collection, Cologne" Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg (DE)
"The Luminous West" Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn (DE)
"Re-Opening of K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen" K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Painting. Process and Expansion. From the 1950s till now" Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna (AT)
"Press Art. The Collection Annette and Peter Nobel" Museum der Moderne (MdM), Salzburg (AT)
"Calder to Warhol: Introducing the Fisher Collection" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA (US)
"Re-Opening of the Albertinum in Dresden" Albertinum, Dresden (DE)
"Monet et l’abstraction (Monet and Abstraction)" Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris (FR)
"Realism: The Adventure of Reality" Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Munich (DE)
"Vom Leben gezeichnet. Leidenschaft in der Grafik der Moderne" Sprengel Museum, Hannover (DE)
"High Ideals & Crazy Dreams" Vera Munro Gallery, Hamburg (DE)
"75/65. The Collector, the Company and the Collection" Museum Würth, Künzelsau (DE)
"Robbrecht and Daem: Pacing Through Architecture" Whitechapel Gallery, London (UK)
"Until Now. Collecting the New (1960-2010)" Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN (US)
"Modern Times. Responding to Chaos" De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill on Sea (UK)
"Opening of the New Building of the Folkwang Museum" Folkwang Museum, Essen (DE)
"Fotografier / Photographs" Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen (DK)
"Functions of Drawing. Conceptual Art on Paper from the MMK Collection" Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main (DE)
"There is something about these pictures... Insights into the collection" Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (DE)
"Between Here and There. Modern and Contemporary Art from the Permanent Collection" Miami Art Museum, Miami, FL (US)
"Masterpieces of Modernity. The Collection of the Kunstmuseum Winterthur" Museum der Moderne, Mönchsberg, Salzburg (AT)
"Silent Revolution. A New Presentation of the Museum’s Permanent Collection" K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf (DE)
"The Library of Babel / In and Out of Place" 176 Zabludowicz Collection, London (UK)
"Monet and Abstraction" Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid (ES)
"Gerhard Richter and the Disappearance of the Image in Contemporary Art" CCCS (Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina), Palazzo Strozzi, Florence (IT)
"Genuine Illusions. Illusion and Reality in Art" Brucerius Kunstforum, Hamburg (DE)
"Crash. Homage to JG Ballard" Gagosian Gallery, London (UK)
"New Freedom. Abstract Art After 1945" Emil Schumacher Museum, Hagen (DE)
"Farven i Kunsten (Colour in Art)" Louisiana Museum for Moderne Kunst, Humlebæk (DK)
"C'est la vie! Vanités de Caravage à Damien Hirst" Musée Maillol, Paris (FR)
"Le Rêve. 50 Years Städtische Kunstsammlung Bochum" Städtische Kunstsammlung Bochum, Bochum (DE)
"I Really Don’t Know What Art Is. Insights into a Private Collection" MARTa Herford, Herford (DE)
"Realism. The Adventure of Reality. Courbet - Hopper - Gursky" Kunsthalle Emden, Emden (DE)
"Press Art. The Collection Annette and Peter Nobel" Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen (CH)
"Modern Times. Responding to Chaos" Kettle's Yard, Cambridge (UK)
"Gallery Show. Gerhard Richter, Mike Kelley" Wako Works of Art, 東京
"Nowhere ... Do We Go From Here?" Jacobson Space, Jacobson Gallery, London (UK)
"El Pop Art en la colección del IVAM" Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago (CL); Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires (AR)
"just what is it... 100 Years of Modern Art from Private Collections in Baden-Württemberg" Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe (DE)
"Best of 50 Years" Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg (DE)
"Inaugural Exhibition" Ben Brown Fine Arts, 香港
"Die Neue Galerie: Presentation in the Palace! On the Way to the Re-Opening 2011" Museum Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel (DE)
"Collection: MOCA's First Thirty Years" The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (US)
"Essential Experiences" Palazzo Riso, Museo d'arte contemporanea della Sicilia, Palermo (IT)
"Serralves 2009 – A Collection" Fundaçao de Serralves, Porto (PT)
"New Acquisitions Autumn 2009" Galerie Ludorff, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Modern Art Retrospective: Graphic Art and Painting of the 20th Century from the Richard H. Mayer Collection, Bamberg" Museum Junge Kunst, Rathaushalle, Frankfurt an der Oder (DE)
"1969" MoMA PS1, New York (US)
"Modern Art After 1945" Haus Beda, Bitburg (DE)
"Color Continuo 1810... 2010: System and Art of Colour" TU Dresden, Universitätssammlungen Kunst + Technik, Atlanta Galerie, Dresden (DE)
"Focus on Artists" San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco (US)
"Bestandsaufnahme – Open Exchange: 35 Years of Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg" Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg (DE)
"PastPresentFuture: Highlights from the UniCredit Group Collection" Bank Austria Kunstforum, Vienna (AT)
"Cold War Modern: Design 1945–1970" Nacionalinė dailės galerija, Vilnius (LT)
"Art of Two Germanys: Cold War Cultures" Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin (DE)
"Vortexhibition Polyphonica" Stroum Gallery, Henry Art Gallery, Seattle (US)
"Beyond the Picturesque" MARTa Herford, Herford (DE)
"Steppin' out: Highlights of the Collection Newly Discovered" Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel (DE)
"Masterpieces of Modernity: The Collection of the Kunstmuseum Winterthur" Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Rovereto (IT)
"Surface Tension: Contemporary Photographs from the Collection" The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (US)
"Space Attraction: Deep into the Unknown to Find the New" Musée d'Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne Métropole, Saint-Etienne (FR)
"Pictures of Pictures" Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich (DE)
"Time/Memory" Galerie Schönewald und Beuse, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Night Flowers: Pictures of Nature from the Sprengel Museum Hannover" Sprengel Museum Hannover, Hanover (DE)
"Longing For Representation: The Portrait Through The Ages" Kunsthalle Krems, Krems an der Donau (AT)
"Pop, Polit and Pin ups: Pop Art Graphics from the Beck Collection" Städtische Galerie, Bietigheim-Bissingen (DE)
"Constellations: Paintings from the MCA Collection" Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (US)
"From Dürer to Kiefer: Five Centuries of Graphic Arts" Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)
"Standstill is a Particular Form of Movement" Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz (LI)
"As Long As It Lasts" Marian Goodman Gallery, New York (US)
"Faces: Chuck Close and Contemporary Portraiture" Nevada Museum of Art, Reno (US)
"Zum Strand – To the Beach" Galerie Stefan Röpke, Cologne (DE)
"Colour Chart: Reinventing Colour, 1950 to Today" Tate Liverpool, Liverpool (UK)
"Art of Two Germanys: Cold War Cultures" Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg (DE)
"Made in Germany" Galerie Terminus, Munich (DE)
"Go for it! Olbricht Collection (a sequel)" Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen (DE)
"Go Figure" Gagosian Gallery, New York (US)
"60 Years – 60 Works: Art from the Federal Republic of Germany" Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (DE)
"Defiance & Melancholy: German Painting from the Dresden Albertinum" Meilahti Art Museum, Helsinki (FI)
"The Mirror of Secret Desires: Still Lifes from Five Centuries" Städtische Galerie, Bietigheim-Bissingen (DE)
"Encounters with Modern Art: The Kunstmuseum Winterthur" Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (DE)
"The Photographic Object" The Photographers' Gallery, London (UK)
"Compass in Hand: Selections from The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection" The Museum of Modern Art, New York (US)
"22. European Media Festival Osnabrück: War of Images: 2000 Years of News from the War: Technology – Media – Art " Museum Industriekultur, Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche and Erich Maria Remarque Friedenszentrum, Osnabrück (DE)
"Pop-Up!" Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen (DE)
"Women – A loan exhibition: Paintings, Sculptures, works on paper & photographs from the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Collection" Sotheby's, New York (US)
"Cold War: Art and Design in a Divided World 1945–1970" Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto (Mart), Rovereto (IT)
"Art And Public: 40 Years Neuer Berliner Kunstverein" Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin (DE)
"New Acquisitions Spring 2009" Galerie Ludorff, Düsseldorf (DE)
"The Presence of the Line: A Selection of Recent Acquisitions of 20th and 21st Century Art" Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Neue Pinakothek, Munich (DE)
"1968: The Great Innocence" Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld (DE)
"Mach' keine Oper: Selected Works from the Annette and Burkhard Richter Collection" Museum der Stadt Ratingen, Ratingen (DE)
"Private: Contemporary Collectors from Wuppertal" Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal (DE)
"Yellow and Green: Positions from the Collection of the MMK" Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main (DE)
"Costanti del classico nell'arte del XX e XXI secolo" Fondazione Puglisi Cosentino, Catania (IT)
"Raw Material" Billirubin Gallery, Berlin (DE)
"7 x 14: Anniversary Exhibition" Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden (DE)
"Shadows" Fundación Caja Madrid, Madrid (ES)
"Three: The Triptych in Modern Art" Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
"Art of Two Germanys: Cold War Cultures" Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles (US)
"The Collector's Eye: New Acquisitions of the Würth Collection from Kirchner and Schlemmer to Kiefer" Museum Würth, Künzelsau (DE)
"Winter Group Show" Edward Tyler Nahem Fine Art, New York (US)
"Pictures" Wako Works of Art, 東京
"Summer Show" Wako Works of Art, 東京
"Color Chart: Reinventing Color, 1950 to Today" Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY (US)
"Small – But Perfectly Formed" Galerie Maulberger, Munich (DE)
"Print Selection: Beuys, Kiefer, Kounellis, Mack, Meese, Polke, Rainer, Richter, Roth, Warhol" Galerie Heinz Holtmann, Cologne (DE)
"Made in Munich" Haus der Kunst, Munich (DE)
"Regarde de tous tes yeux, regarde: Contemporary Art of Georges Perec" Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dole, Dole (FR)
"Passionate Provocative – The Stoffel Collection" Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (DE)
"Madonna meets Mao" Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Dresden (DE)
"Diana and Actaeon: The Forbidden Glimpse of the Naked Body" Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Northern Lights" Musée de Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Nantes (FR)
"De Kooning, Mitchell, Richter: Paintings from the 1980s" Tina Kim Gallery, New York (US)
"Objectivities: Photography in Düsseldorf" Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris/ARC, Paris (FR)
"Teaching with Art: Foto Art – Germany 1960 to the Present" Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown (US)
"First Choice: Deutsche Bank Collection at the Städel Museum" Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt am Main (DE)
"Cold War Modern: Design 1945–1970" Victoria & Albert Museum, London (UK)
"German Heroes" Michael Schultz Gallery, ソウル, 韓国
"A Selection of Contemporary German Drawings and Graphics" Wolfram Völcker Fine Art, Berlin (DE)
"Traces of the Spiritual" Haus der Kunst, Munich (DE)
"Brillantfeuerwerk: Eleven Companies. Eleven Collections. One Exhibition" Haus der Kunst, Munich (DE)
"Here Is Every: Four Decades of Contemporary Art" The Museum of Modern Art, New York (US)
"Six Masterpieces" Springer & Winckler Galerie, Berlin (DE)
"Elements and Unknowns" The Museum of Modern Art, New York (US)
"Pop and its Consequences" Museum der Stadt Ratingen, Ratingen (DE)
"Selections from the Permanent Collection" Miami Art Museum, Miami (US)
"Order, Desire, Light: An Exhibition of Contemporary Drawings" Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (IE)
"See History 2008: Creative Vision" Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel (DE)
"An Overview At Last: Our Collections – Art from 1350 to Now" Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart (DE)
"Best of… Galerie Terminus: Highlights of the Gallery's Exhibitions Programme" Galerie Terminus, Munich (DE)
"From Nature" Carolina Nitsch Contemporary Art, New York (US)
"The Immediate Touch: German, Austrian, Swiss Drawings from St. Louis Collections, 1946–2007" Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis (US)
"Regarde de tous tes yeux, regarde: Contemporary Art of Georges Perec" Musée de Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Nantes (FR)
"Spaghetti a la aaart" Galerie Angeliki Antonopoulou, Athens (GR)
"Blanco Roto" Elvira Gonzalez Gallery, Madrid (ES)
"At the Centre of the World: Art from Graubünden" Bündner Kunstmuseum, Chur (CH)
"Small Masterpieces by Great Masters" Hubertus Melsheimer Kunsthandel, Cologne (DE)
"The Mirror of Secret Desires: Still Lifes from Five Centuries" Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg (DE)
"Drawing A Tension: Works from the Deutsche Bank Collection" Centro de Arte Moderna, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon (PT)
"There is Desire Left (Knock, Knock): Works from the Collection Mondstudio" Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden (DE)
"The Construction of the Contemporary Landscape" Centro de Arte y Naturaleza Fundación Beulas, Huesca (ES)
"Under the Sky" White Space Beijing, Alexander Ochs Galleries, 北京, 中国
"Past / Present: A Selection of Works from the Collection of Fonds régional d'art contemporain" Frac Nord – Pas de Calais, Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Arras, Arras (FR)
"Fragile Beauty: Glass in Art" Museum Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Rhythm 21: Positions of Abstraction" Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich (DE)
"Visite – From Gerhard Richter to Rebecca Horn: Works from the Contemporary Art Collection of the Federal Republic of Germany" Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (DE)
"Artists Draw – Collectors Donate: 250 Years of Staatliche Graphische Sammlung Munich" Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich (DE)
"The De Pont Collection in Paris" Institut Néerlandais, Paris (FR)
"The Florence & Daniel Guerlain Collection – Select Drawings" Cultural Services of the French Embassy, New York (US)
"Constellations III" Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt am Main (DE)
"Spring Selections Show" Ober Gallery, Kent (US)
"Curiosity: The Art of Seeing and Deceiving" Kunsthalle Krems, Krems (AT)
"Monet, Kandinsky, Rothko and Their Inheritance: Paths of Abstract Painting" Bank Austria Kunstforum, Vienna (AT)
"École de Barbizon through to Gerhard Richter: The Heinrich Merz Collection and Others" Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz (LI)
"Baselitz to Lassnig: Masterpieces" Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg, (AT)
"Europop" Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich (CH)
"Abstract Vision" Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, Zurich (CH)
"abstrakt/abstract" Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt (AT)
"The Painting of Modern Life" Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Castello di Rivoli, Turin (IT)
"アートは心のためにある:UBSアートコレクションより" 森美術館, 東京
"Modern Prints" Galerie Proarta, Zurich (CH)
"Gold Leaf: Masterpieces from the Graphic Art Collection of Museum Morsbroich" Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen (DE)
"A Last View: The Collection’s Masterpieces" Kunstsammlung Nordrhein Westfalen, Düsseldorf (DE)
"There is Desire Left (Knock, Knock): Works from the Collection Mondstudio" Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern (CH)
"Blown Away" Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, Champaign (US)
"Masterpieces" Galerie Ludorff, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Image and after" Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki (FI)
"Précipitation: Experience No. 1" Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, Tours (FR)
"Attention to Detail" The FLAG Art Foundation, New York (US)
52nd International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale / Biennale di Venezia, Venice (IT)
"Rockers Island - Olbricht Collection" Museum Folkwang Essen, Essen (DE)
"An Incomplete World" Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney (AU); National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne (AU); 森美術館, 東京
"Notations: Kiefer, Polke, Richter" Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA (US)
"What Is Painting? Contemporary Art from the Collection" Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY (US)
"Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue? Positions of Color Field painting" Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden (DE)
"Three Colours - White" Rohkunstbau, Potsdam-Sacrow (DE)
"The Painting of Modern Life" Hayward Gallery, London (UK)
"Gerhard Richter – Zufall: 4900 Farben und Entwürfe zum Kölner Domfenster, Museum Ludwig, Cologne (DE)
"Notations: Kiefer, Polke, Richter" Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA (US)
"Wako Works of Art: 15 Years, Part II" Wako Works of Art, 東京
"Wako Works of Art: 15 Years - Part 1" Wako Works of Art, 東京
"From Caspar David Friedrich to Gerhard Richter: German Paintings from Dresden" J. Paul Getty Museum, CA (US)
"Unhomely: Phantom Scenes in Global Society" 2nd Biennial of Contemporary Art of Seville, Seville (ES), (cat.)
"Public Space/Two Audiences" works from the Annick and Anton Herbert Collection, Museu d'art Contemporani de Barcelona (ES)
"20 Jahre K20 am Grabbeplatz - Erweiterte Präsentation der Sammlung" K20 KUNSTSAMMLUNG NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN - am Grabbeplatz, Duesseldorf (DE)
"Was ist deutsch?" Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg (DE)
"Bilder vom Vierwaldstättersee - von William Turner bis Kurt Felix" Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne (CH)
"Täuschungsmanöver - Optische Irritationen und visuelle Manipulationen" Kunsthalle Würth, Schwäbisch Hall, Künzelsau (DE)
"Big Juicy Paintings" Miami Art Museum, Miami, FL (US)
"Von Richter bis Scheibitz - Deutsche Arbeiten auf Papier seit 1960" Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Winterthur (DE)
"made in germany - Malerei der Gegenwart" gip (Galerie im Park) - international fine art, Burgdorf (CH)
"PHotoEspaña 06" PHotoEspaña, Madrid (ES)
"Collection 1" 国立国際美術館, 大阪
"Metropolitanscape" Palazzo Cavour, Turin (IT)
"Medium Fotografie" Stampa, Basel (CH)
"舞い降りた桜 ザハ・ハディドとめぐるドイツ銀行コレクション" 原美術館, 東京
"I still love the 20th century" Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna (AT)
"Más de lo que los ojos pueden ver" Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey - MARCO, Monterrey (MX)
"Schattenspiel - Eine Hommage an Hans Christian Andersen," Landesgalerie am Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseum, Linz (AT)
"Big Bang: Creation and Distruction in 20th Century Art" Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (FR)
De Young Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA (US)
"100 Artists See God" Curated by John Baldessari and Meg Cranston for Independent Curators International, NY; The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA (US); Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, CA (US); Contemporary Art Center of Virginia, VA (US); Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (UK); Freedman Art Gallery, Albright College, Reading, PA (US); Cheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville, TN (US), (cat.) [Traveled until 2006]
"Die Neue Kunsthalle III" Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim (DE)
"Die Neue Kunsthalle IV" Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim (DE)
"Reflecting the Mirror" Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY (US)
"Richter, Weiner, Whiteread" Guggenheim Bilbao, Bilboa (ES)
"Faces in the Crowd, Picturing Modern Life from Manet to Today" Whitechapel Art Gallery, London (UK)
"Die Neue Kunsthalle IV" Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim (DE)
Permanent installation, Dia: Beacon, Beacon, NY (US)
"BERLIN-MOSKAU, MOSKAU-BERLIN 1950-2000" Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (DE)
"German Art Now," Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO (US)
"Gerhard Richter and Jorge Pardo: Refraction" Dia Center for the Arts, New York, NY (US)
"Raum für Malerei, The Painting Room," Kaiser Wilhelm Museum Krefeld, Krefeld (DE)
"Lothar Baumgarten: Makunaima, Richard Hamilton: Polaroid Portraits, Gerhard Richter: Florence, Thomas Schütte" Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY (US)
"In the Shadow of the Holocaust" Sun Valley Center for the Arts, Ketchum, ID (US)
"Realitetsfantasier" Astrup Fearnley Museet for Moderne Kunst, Oslo (NO)
"As Painting: Division and Displacement" Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH (US)
"Aspectos de la Collección" Fundació La Caixa, Madrid (ES)
"Orbis Terrarum Ways of Worldmaking" Antwerpen Open, Antwerp (BE)
"Das Gedachtnis der Kunst: Geschichte und Errinerung in der Kunst der Gegenwart," Historisches Museum in collaboration with Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (DE)
"Regarding Beauty: A View of The Late Twentieth Century" Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C. (US); Haus der Kunst, Munich (DE)
"Collectors Collect Contemporary: 1990-99" The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA (US)
"Breaking Ground" Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY (US)
"Alpenblick. Die zeitgenössische Kunst und das Alpine" Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (AT)
Documenta 10, Kassel (DE)
"Veronica's Revenge" (Oeuvres photographiques de la Lambert Art Collection), Centre d'Art Contemporain, Geneva (CH)
47th Venice Biennial, Venice (IT)
"Abstraction in the Twentieth Century" The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY (US)
"Degrees of Abstraction" Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA (US)
"Desire, Disaster, Document" San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA (US)
"Still Life" National Museum Stockholm, Stockholm (SW)
"The Romantic Spirit in German Art" Munich (DE)
"Ars Helsinki" Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki (FI)
"絵画、唯一なるもの" 東京国立近代美術館, 東京; 京都国立近代美術館, 京都
"Auf Papier - Kunst des 20. Jhd. aus der Deutschen Bank" Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt am Main; Berlinische Galerie, Berlin; Museum der bildenden Kuenste, Leipzig (DE)
"Junge Deutsche Kunst der 90er Jahre aus-NRW-Die Generation nach Becher, Beuys, Polke, Richter, Ruthenbeck" アートソンジェ美術館, 韓国
"Künstler-Räume" Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn (DE)
"Kunst in Deutschland-Werke zeitgenossischer Kunst aus der Sammlung des Bundes" Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn (DE)
"Praxis" Domaine de Kerguehennec Centre d'Art Contemporain, Bignan (FR)
"Blumenstilleben" Kunsthalle Bielefeld (DE)
"Color and Paint" Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen (CH)
"Still Life-Stilleben-Nature Morte" Städtische Galerie Helmhaus, Zurich (CH)
Domaine Kerguehennec, Centre d'Art, Locminé Bignan (FR)
"A Group Show" Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY (US)
"The Broken Mirror" Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (AT)
"Shapes and Positions" Museum Fredericianum, Kassel (DE)
"Photography in Contemporary German Art: 1960 To the Present," Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MM; Dallas Art Museum, Dallas, TX; Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX; St. Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MO; Guggenheim Museum SoHo, New York, NY (US)
"Pop Art" Museum Ludwig, Cologne (DE); Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (US)
"U-Bahn-Kunst in Duisberg" Wilhelm-Lehmbruck-Museum der Stadt Duisberg, Duisberg (DE)
Sydney Biennial, Sydney (AU)
"Oh Cet Echo" Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris (FR)
"Das offene Bild" Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Münster (DE)
"開館10周年記念展 アダムとイブ" 埼玉県立近代美術館, 埼玉
"Repetición/Transformación" El Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (ES)
Documenta 9, Kassel (DE)
"Devil on the Stairs: Looking Back on the Eighties" Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (US)
"Not Painting" S. Bitter-Larkin, New York, NY (US)
"Refigured Painting: The German Image 1960-1988" The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY (US)
"Bilderstreit" Messelhallen, Cologne (DE)
"Art from Koln" Tate Gallery, Liverpool (UK)
"German Paintings" P.S. Gallery, 東京
"The German Image in Painting 1960-1988" Toledo Museum, Toledo, OH (US); Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY (US); Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, (DE); Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (DE)
"50 Years of Collecting Art at I.B.M." The I.B.M. Gallery of Science and Art, New York, NY (US)
International Art in the Fundació Caixa de Pensiones, Madrid (ES)
"Group Show" Thomas Segal Gallery, New York, NY (US)
"As Far as the Eye can See" Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY (US)
"Rot-Gelb-Blau" Kunstmuseum, St.Gallen (CH); Museum Fridericianum, Kassel (DE)
"La Couleur seule, l'Experience du Monochrome" Musée St. Pierre, Lyons (FR)
Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA (US)
"Europa oggi/Europe Now" Museo d'Arte Contemporaneo, Prato (IT)
"Avant-Garde in the Eighties" Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA (US)
"Wechselstrome" Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (DE)
"L'Epoque, la mode, la morale, la passion" Musée National d'Art Moderne-Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (FR)
"Brennpunkt Dusseldorf-Joseph Beuys-DieAkademie-Der Allgemeine Aufbruch" Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf (DE)
Documenta 8, Kassel (DE)
"Watercolours by Bueys, Palermo, Polke, Richter" Goethe Institute, London (UK)
"Regen Boog" Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (NL)
Fonds Regional d'Art Contemporaine, Bourgogne (FR)
"Positionen" Neue Berliner Galerie im Alten Museum, Berlin (DE)
"Hommage à Beuys" Stadtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich (DE)
"Mater Dulcissima" Chiesa dei Cavalieri de Maita, Syracuse (IT)
"Philadelphia Collects Art since 1940" Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA (US)
"Boston Collects" Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA (US)
La Nouvelle Biennale, Paris (FR)
"Dinge des Menschen" Kunsthalle Recklinghausen, Recklinghausen (DE)
"The European Iceberg" The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario (CA)
"Rheingold" Palazzo della Societa Promotrice delle Belle Arti, Turin (IT)
"Wasserfarbenblatter" Wertfalischer Kunstverein, Münster (DE)
"Deutsche Kunst seit 1960" Staatgalerie Moderne Kunst, Munich (DE)
"Museum? Museum! Museum. Kunst von heute aus Hamburger Privatsammlungen" Museum für 40 Tage, Hamburg (DE)
Carnegie International, Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, PA (US)
"30 Jahre durch die Kunst in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" Nationalgalerie, Berlin (DE)
"Modus Vivendi. 11 deutsche Maler" Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden; Landmusuem Augusteum, Oldenburg (DE)
"German Art in the 20th Century" Royal Academy of Arts, London (UK); Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart (DE)
"Aquarelle" Kassler Kunstverein, Kassel (DE)
"Nackt in der Kunst" Sprengel Museum, Hannover (DE)
"Sorgfalt' 84" Forum, Rottweil (DE)
"Vier Perioden deutscher Malerei" Stadtisches Kunstmuseum, Bonn (DE)
"Ein anderes Klima" Stadtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Aufbruch," Stadtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf (DE)
"Works from the Collection of Annick and Anton Herbert" Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (NL)
"Toyama Now '84" 富山県立近代美術館, 富山
"Terrae Motus" Fondazione Amelio, Instituto per l'Arte Contemporanea, Naples (IT)
"An International Survey of Recent Painting and Sculpture" The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY (US)
Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY (US)
"Art in the Mirror" Giardini, Venice Biennial, Venice (IT)
"Von hier aus" Messegeland, Hall 13, Düsseldorf (DE)
Castello di Rivoli, Turin (IT)
"Artists from Sperone Westwater Fischer, Inc." SVC/Fine Arts Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL (US)
"Drawings" Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, NY (US)
"Acquisition Priorities: Aspects of Postwar Painting in Europe" The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY (US)
"Sammlung CREX" Kunsthalle, Basel (CH)
Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg (DE)
"Sammlung ulbricht" Stadtische Kunstmuseum, Bonn (DE)
"60'80 attitudes/concepts/images" Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (NL)
Documenta 7, Kassel (NL)
"A New Spirit in Painting" Royal Academy of Arts, London (UK)
"West Kunst" Messehallen, Cologne (DE)
"Art d'Allemagne aujourd'hui" ARC/Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris (FR)
40th Venice Biennial, Venice (IT)
"Forms of Realism Today" Musée d'Art Contemporain, Montreal, Quebec (CA)
"Der gekrummte Horizont. Kunst in Berlin 1945-1967" Akademie der Kunst, Berlin (DE)
"ARS BALTICA" Gotlands Fornsal, Visby (SW)
HHK Foundation for Contemporary Art, Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee, WI (US)
"Beuys, Broodthaers, Buren, Kounellis, Merz, Richter" InK. Halle für Internationale Neue Kunst, Zurich (CH)
"Europe in the Seventies: Aspects of Recent Art" Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA; Fort Worth Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX; Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH
"Fundamental Painting" Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (NL)
"Project: Aspects of International Art of the early Seventies" Kunsthalle, Cologne (DE)
Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam (NL)
"Contemporanea" Parcheggio di Villa Borghese, Rome (IT)
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (BE)
Prospect '73, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (DE)
Documenta 5, Kassel (DE)
Museum Folkwang, Essen (DE)
36th Venice Biennial, Venice (IT)
"3 --: New Multiple Art" Whitechapel Art Gallery, London (UK)
"Art of the Twentieth Century" Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (DE)
東京国立近代美術館, 東京
"Imagine per la citta" Academia Ligustica de Belle Arti, Genoa (IT)
Neue Galerie, Aachen (DE)
"Painting from Photography" Stadtmuseum, Munich (DE)
"Strategy: Get Arts" Edinburgh International Festival, Edinburgh (UK)
"The Ludwig Collection" Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne (DE)
"Opening Exhibition" 東京国立近代美術館, 東京
"9 Young Artists" The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY (US)
"The Düsseldorf Scene" Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne (CH)
Kunsthalle, Darmstadt (DE)
"The 5th Exhibition" 長崎県美術館, 長崎
Paris Biennial, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris (FR)
"Extra" Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden (DE)
"Young Generation" Akademie der Kunste, Berlin (DE)
Deutschler Kunstlerbund, Essen (DE)
"14 Aspects of Modern Painting," Haus der Kunst, Munich (DE)
Museum Apeldoorn, Haus Lange, Krefeld (DE)
"Tendencies," Stadtisches Museum Trier, Trier (DE)
"Contemporary Art," Museum Wuppertal, Wuppertal (DE)
Deutscher Kunstlerbund, Berlin (DE)
Rented storefront exhibition with Lueg and Polke, Düsseldorf (DE)