FIona Tan


96 pages
Supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Japan
ISBN: 978-4-902070-37-8
Japanese only.


The fourth installment of the gallery's Text book series, featuring essays on works by Fiona Tan, will be published in conjunction with this exhibition. The publication includes Japanese translations of Bruce Grenville's essay "To Remember is Not to Repeat", a conversation between Tan and Saskia Bos, (commissioner of 53rd Venice Biennale Dutch pavilion) and Lynne Cooke's pivotal essay "Fiona Tan: Re-Take", as well as the Japanese transcript to Tan's video installation work The Changeling and a short essay "Of Clouds and Islands", which looks back her time filming on the island of Inujima in the Seto Inland Sea. (Available in Japanese only)